About Mrs. Morar

Mrs. Morar has been a sports enthusiast her whole life.  From a young age, she played competitive soccer and basketball, and ran cross country.  She played club soccer for four years at Virginia Tech.  

After graduating from Virginia Tech, Mrs. Morar worked for the National Basketball Association (NBA), both at the Orlando Magic and as the assistant director of special events for the Washington Wizards. She then went on to work as the sports specialist for Loudoun County PRCS before becoming a full-time mom to daughter, Vivienne, and son, Vincent.  

She became Good Shepherd School’s teacher of Physical Education in 2022 and enjoys using her class time to instill healthy habits and sportsmanship in the children. It is a joy to get to teach the students new sports and help them discover a new hobby that they might end up loving for years to come! 

Mrs. Morar and her family are parishioners at St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church in Purcellville, VA, and her children both attend Good Shepherd School.